Hello All. I have reached to ask the Public's Assistance for completion of my home. I have reached exhaustion of All my means. I currently reside in Cumuto, staying by a Ex relative on A Farm, in her stock room with Farming Stuff. But we can no longer stay there.
There was Family Drama involved before, because of my mother, But sadly she passed away 4 Months Ago. Now it's my Father.
Since I've gotten into my 6 year Relationship with my Common Law Husband, it has always been hell for us. My family never gave us a Break nor support. Things have always been hard for us, Moving place to Place,Struggling to pay Rent. My father Assisted me with the Foundation & the Level height of Blocks in the picture, but he always have to throw everything in my face & reproach me. Its taking a Toll on my Mental Health. My husband & I have 2 Children together, & we need a Final Peace & Break from everything for just once. Although my husband is employed now, but business is slow so it can only provide food. We bought some materials previously, but we can't afford to put it together at this point. I also need some assistance/other materials to Make Up Labour Money, Electrical, Water Tanks as theres no constant supply of Water. PVC pipes, Fittings & Roofing Material.
I have Cement & Sand & Blocks to Continue the work.
I truly don't know what to do anymore, I just want to escape & be out of my fathers sight.
sometimes I even Contemplate Suicide...Because I'm so Fed Up of why my family have to be going through back to Back Hardships & We are trying everything to not be like this. Thank You.
My Name is Shiquana Ruiz Roberts.
If anyone can please, please Assist, Little as it Is
Republic Bank Acc. # 490 009 617 501
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A Home

by Shiquana Ruiz Roberts
Created Oct 22, 2020 | Sangre Grande
$0 raised of $10,000 goal 0%
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  • No deadline

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