A dynamic and well governed charities
sector in which the public has confidence,
underpinned by the Commission’s effective
delivery of its regulatory and advisory role.’

The Commission aspires to be respected and valued in the execution of its functions
and will ensure that in the performance of our role as the charity regulator for
-the island 
Independent: we will maintain independence in our decision making,acting
without fear or favour, in the public interest.
Accountable: we will be proactive in accounting to all our stakeholders, which
will include involving others on a continuous and appropriate basis and taking
responsibility for our decisions.
Proportionate: our actions,procedures and culture will be proportionate to the
burden of regulation on charities of different sizes, to the degree of risk involved
and to the potential impact within the resources available to us.
Impartial: we will exercise our powers and discretion in a way which is non-partisan
and even-handed.
Transparent: we will communicate with and listen to our stakeholders and will be
clear about our actions, intentions and expectations.
Consistent: we will act consistently in our decision making.
The advancement of citizenship or community development - Supporting guidance for charity trustees
  • james lukas
    james lukas donated $68
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $34
No results have been found

Be Generous In All, To All.

by Nicholas mathura
Created Dec 01, 2023 | Port of Spain
$101 raised of $200,000 goal 0%
  • 2 Donations
  • No deadline

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