My name is Danielle Scott I am a loving wife, mother, sister, sister in law, daughter,niece, cousin and friend :) I am 35 years old.
On September 20th 2021 while having a "mom shower" (no shaving or washing hair a quick in and out ) I felt a lump on my right breast. It felt like quarter of a marble. Just as hard and round. I immediately sent a message to my gp who examined me and sent me for further testing.
Ultra sounds, mammogram and MRI were done.
And on October 20th 2021 it was confirmed that I have breast cancer.
We were heartbroken,scared and shocked!
We proceeded to do a biopsy to make sure and met with a breast surgeon to discuss our options. The biopsy came back as
Tripple negative Stage 3 aggresive Carcinoma breast cancer.

I am also a type 1 diabetic for the last 23 years. I do my best to monitor my diabetes and live a healthy life. I take 6 injections daily with my meals as my body doesnt produce insulin. My 9 year old son and husband are extremely supportive and we try to eat well together.
This diagnosis hit my family and friends hard.
I have done ultra sounds,
A mamogram
CT scan
A biopsy
genetic testing
Echocardiogram and
Put a marker into the tumor .
It has been a whirlwind and I still have to
Put in a port surgically to receive chemo so that my veins dont collapse.
Do Chemotherapy
Have Surgery and
Radiation as well as
More genetic testing to see if the cancer has a mutative gene (10%chance)
I need to meet with an endocrinologist to see how this is going to affect my diabetes and body.
My Chemo starts next week and has to be intense as it's an aggressive cancer. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

The surgery after chemo is to remove all lymph nodes as well as the original lump on my right breast.
If the genetic testing comes back positive for a mutation I have to remove both breasts and talk to my doctors about the next steps.
Its still very early in my diagnosis and yet it's been so insanely busy and extremely expensive and sometimes quite overwhelming.
My motto is one day at a time and when that is too much one thing at a time.
I do not want to be wasting my life in self pity (i have had some good hard ugly cries ) but i want to live one day at a time the best way that I can. So I'm going to fight this one step at a time .

My husband and son have been loving and supportive and extremely positive and I am grateful for them. They keep me grounded and remind me to slow down if I'm letting my brain get ahead of me.
My friends have become even closer than before they are my sisters.
My family have been only loving and supportive and positive sending food constantly and offering to help in anyway possible.
I'm grateful that I found this cancer early.
I am grateful that I have amazing, calm intelligent, professional doctors.

#onlypositivevibes #imcomingoutalive #thisisjustanotherchapter #wewillgetthroughthistogether #fighthard #beatthis

And so we continue along the journey with hope and faith and trust that this is going to make me a better person and I will survive!

Thank you so much for reading my story and helping in any way that you can. My family and I are eternally grateful for your support.
  • Kieran Andrew Khan
    Kieran Andrew Khan donated $338

    Wishing you a successful outcome and a long and happy and healthy life ahead!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $675
  • Godfrey O'Young
    Godfrey O'Young donated $338

    Hi Danielle! Keep thinking positive and we know you can beat this! Hi from Jude and Jade to baby Lucas!

  • Jenson
    Jenson donated $338
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $203

    Here's to a success story!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $203
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $675

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you Danielle. you can beat this.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $608
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $101
  • Ann Garcia
    Ann Garcia donated $675
  • Hi everyone thank you such for helping me through this very different time :)
    Yesterday I did my 12th and final session of "taxol"
    From week 7 to 12 was carboplatin and taxol.
    Next week we begin AC another chemo drug.
    This one is more toxic and a little harsher
    It's going to be done every other week instead of weekly.
    I have to change my meds to prepare for side effects.
    As well as I'm going to be on heart meds to protect my heart from the drug.
    I am extremely grateful for everyone of you because I am getting treatment fine tuned to what I need for my body.
    Considering everything
    Type 1 diabetes
    Type of cancer
    I cannot say thank you enough and I will be grateful to everyone one of you for the rest of my life.
    4 more chemo cycles! 2 months !

    Then we move on to surgery
    And possibly chemo tablets for at home use.

    Please remember to get tested! I never in my wildest imagination thought that this would happen to me. Ever !!!! It was a huge shock

    I have met the most amazing people along the way
    And I'm grateful for time to slow down and look around and do my art that I love so much (when I have energy) I have done 1 drawing lol that isn't yet complete.
    I'm enjoying sunsets
    And walks on my hill when I'm up to it
    Each one of you who cheer me on the way ! I am grateful!!!!
    Love to you all xoxo


Danielle's breast cancer

by Danielle Scott
Created Nov 11, 2021 | Trinidad
$168,271 raised of $225,000 goal 75%
  • 226 Donations
  • Finalized

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