Hi, my name is Kerwin and I’m reaching out to my friends & family & the wider public for assistance in raising funds for a potential life saving diagnosis & treatment for an underlying medical condition.
I started feeling unwell back in 2010 after I started working a second job part time. I visited my doctor & some tests were done but nothing out of the ordinary was found. I continued to feel unwell so I eased up on the part time job but it didn’t make any difference. I visited many health institutions where I had to do several costly tests which all have been negative thus far. I became depressed knowing that something was wrong and these so called professionals could not find the problem, apart from that the symptoms started getting worse to the point where it started affecting my job & relationship.
In January 2017 I was deemed medically unfit to work & was out of a job & had to I use my savings I had to get by. I was referred to a Rheumatologist where more tests had to be done urgently to detect an autoimmune disorder which if go untreated for to long can be life treating.
At present I don’t have the funds to continue doing the tests to get the diagnosis needed. My body has become so weakened that everyday tasks has become very difficult. I can’t provide for myself & son the way I would like to & it’s very frustrating & depressing.I was told that the problem could also be spiritual & I’ve come to the realization that I can’t do this alone anymore hence the reason I’m reaching out for any assistance possible. I have several tests to do which amounts to over $25,000 TTD. These test include a Sleep Study , Cancer Screen , Stomach Ultrasound, Muscle Biopsy & more. I may not have to do all these tests depending on the results of which ever is done first, we just need to get a diagnosis so that the problem could be treated. I just need a start. I just want to feel good again & get my life together, not only for me but my son. Just put yourself in my position for a bit, I bet you'd want the same. You can contact me @355-3993. Deposits can be made at Royal Bank,
Acc # 110000001945788 Name - Vanessa Downes Williams .
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  • Roxanne Paponette
    Roxanne Paponette donated $135
  • Kenneth paul
    Kenneth paul donated $68

    Hope everything work out well for you bro

  • Ria John
    Ria John donated $338

    Feel better Kerwin, my prayers are with you

No results have been found

Help Kerwin with medical emergency funds.

by Kerwin Phillip
Created Oct 24, 2022 | San-Juan
$540 raised of $25,000 goal 2%
  • 3 Donations
  • No deadline
  • 1 Like

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