My name is Brent Piper and I have been recently accepted into Howard University’s Computer Science program on a partial merit scholarship. Unfortunately, despite our continued efforts, my family and I have found it difficult to cover the remaining expenses and tuition. Thus, it is with modesty, that I seek your assistance in aiding my family and me in covering the remaining balance for my undergraduate study.

A resident of Point Lisas, California, Trinidad and Tobago, I graduated in 2021 from Presentation College San Fernando, where I received 22 passes in total, inclusive of 8 CXC subjects (4 ones, 4 twos) and 14 CAPE Units (8 ones, 4 twos and 2 threes). Since September 2021, I’ve been steadily working to save money in addition to pursuing research, helping in the family business and applying for several colleges including Howard Unversity.

In total, Howard University was one of 9 colleges I was accepted into. Of those 9 I won various scholarships, but Howard University stood out for its : strong cross-cultural ties to the Caribbean community, motto of serving underprivileged students of colour, world class facilities and faculty of computer science researchers. Howard University has nurtured influential Trinidadians such as Eric Williams, Shaka Hislop and Stokely Carmichael. A future Trinidadian freshman myself, I was awarded the Capstone scholarship by Howard University’s admissions committee.

However, even with this prestigious Capstone scholarship, my personal savings, financial aid, recent fundraiser activities and contributions from my parents, my parents and I can only afford the cost of tuition for my freshman year. Expenses such as room, board, book fees and flight costs still need to be covered for my undergraduate studies.

With your valued donations and social media sharing (no matter how little!) I can climb closer to achieving my dream of attending Howard University . Furthermore, you will not be disappointed with investing in my future. Besides using computer science to solve contemporary issues in critical areas such as agriculture, climate change, poverty alleviation, tourism, and financial inclusion, I hope to give back to my own community of Point Lisas and (my country by large, of course) by creating technology exchange programs and helping other scholars receive funding needed to pursue their degrees abroad.

As a founding member of local NGO As 1 Movement and as a Vice President of my school’s Rotary Interact Club, I’ve seen the joy and relief that simple acts of kindness and generosity can bring to the underrepresented. It is my lifelong goal to open barriers for the less fortunate, students who may have to create their own campaigns like these in the future.

Investing in my dream, whether it may be via sharing on your social media handles or donating, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance and enjoy the rest of your day.

Follow me on my journey !!

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Instagram link :-

Facebook link :-

Contact me : 18683188885
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $338

    Praying that everything works out well for you!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $338

    Make great use of the Networking Events while you're at school. It's all about who knows YOU when it's time to enter the job market.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $338
  • Constance Gibson
    Constance Gibson donated $675

    May God continue to bless you in all things

  • Shanade Amanda Beharry
    Shanade Amanda Beharry donated $338

    I pray that God blesses you and protects your future! Studying abroad is a wonderful thing, a chance to learn and truly develop.

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Help Send Brent To Howard!

by Brent Piper
Created May 19, 2022 | Trinidad and Tobago
$2,025 raised of $120,000 goal 2%
  • 5 Donations
  • No deadline
  • 1 Like

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