I would like to invite you to be a part of "Iwer Stage" in collaboration with thestreet919fm.
Iwer Stage will be hosting a series of concerts at least four nights every week launching this thursday from 7pm-8pm.
Due to the Covid Pandemic, many of the places in the world where Calypso and Soca has made in roads, may not be able to host large gatherings for a while, as such Iwer Stage is to keep servicing the fans local and foreign. Iwer Stage will give fans a one on one connection with calypso , chutney, soca, local dancehall, comedy, tassa, pan artistes and more to keep our culture connected to the world.
I will be streaming live from my ig page @iwergeorge and my fb page @neiliwergeorge, my youtube page and on thestreet919fm facebook page. Iwer Stage will also be played live on thestreet91.9fm. The concerts will be starting this Thursday May 28th, 2020.
The concert is free, but if you wish to make a donation to our guests you are free to do so.
"Iwer Stage" is an alternative way of educating the masses about our culture
From Then to Now.
  • Julia oConnor
    Julia oConnor donated $68
  • alison Enola hendrickson
    alison Enola hendrickson donated $338

    last sister in Texas Alison luv you guys Didi and Shirls pa and ma..

  • Joanne Rowley
    Joanne Rowley donated $338

    Long live Calypso blessings to mom and dad

  • Punch and Gail Cornwall
    Punch and Gail Cornwall donated $338

    Hi Cuzzies, we are enjoying the performance. Lots of love. From Surrey

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Iwer Stage (Lady Wonder and Shirlane Hendrickson)

by Neil George
Created Jun 26, 2020 | Trinidad and Tobago
$1,080 raised of $10,000 goal 11%
  • 4 Donations
  • No deadline

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