Hi everyone I am Anastasia Thomas, for those of you who I may not be familiar to, God has used me for over the past 5 years to travel to Kenya, Guyana and the UK doing his will through the ministry of an Evangelist. He has brought salvation, healing and touched many lives by using me as his vessel.
Recently the Lord has been leading me toward the UK for ministry. I'm currently raising a total of $25,000 which will cover my visa appointment. I believe God is opening doors there for me to do ministry as I operated as a missionary Evangelist. The first step is for me to get my visa as a minister of religion. I'm scheduled to leave by the end of November so I have at least one month to raise the funds. I would like you to partner with me both prayerfully and financially.

I want to share a testimony where God used me in the area of healing when I was in Kenya. There was a little girl whose Tummy was swollen as though she was pregnant. I was led by the Holy spirit to lay hands and pray. Her tummy started to deflate like a balloon that was airing down. God healed her immediately. I thank God for that.

Thank you in advance for partnering with me God bless you Shalom!
  • Laurine Fenton
    Laurine Fenton donated $675

    Donation to Anastasia Thomas' Missionary trip

  • Natasha John
    Natasha John donated $270

    May God bless you on your mission

  • Samantha M. Holder
    Samantha M. Holder donated $135

    Continue to shine sis :)

  • Paul Wafula
    Paul Wafula donated $135
  • I want to thank all who shared this campaign thus far. I really appreciate the time you took to do such, however the goal remains the same and your contribution is needed. I can't do this without you, help me to be a blessing


Missionary trip

by AnastasiaThomas
Created Jun 11, 2019 | Trinidad
$1,215 raised of $25,000 goal 5%
  • 4 Donations
  • No deadline

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