Dear Animal Lover,

Sophia was our beloved Dog who loved Cats and had a really wonderful relationship with them. She was like a Mother hen. Our Dear Sophie passed away after 15years and we named our Animals Foundation in honor of her.

My name is Abby Williams and I am Artist, Vegan, Animal and Planet lover.

Since our formative years, My Sister and I have been rescuing and adopting animals.
Today, we now care for 38 adopted Cats and a Dog.
The majority of these animals found us as we found them, and this was prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown,  
We did not think it necessary to raise funds at that time since our mission was to help these animals, feed and shelter them, and we managed without seeking assistance.
However, babies were abandoned, left in boxes in various locations and of course we could not look the other way when we were asked to accommodate them.
Raising funds to expand our existing area for the animals, spaying and neutering is now necessary. We need a little help here.
There's a lot of dedication in this. The animals are fed in the a m. and p.m., their living area and litter boxes cleaned.
They have comfortable corners, cushions, blankets to sleep on along with their toys.
We have a caring and efficient Vet who does home visits.

The goal of this campaign is to:
1. Expand our animal shelter
2. Continue to provide them with food
2. Help us cover the cost of spaying and neutering which can minimize the many hungry and homeless cats/kittens on the streets.

If you would like to donate to this cause, we will be very grateful.
Feel free to email me at should you require more info.
Thank You for reading and caring.

With Gratitude
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $338

    Thank you so much for helping them. Bless you guys and the future babies ?

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Sophia's Animal Foundation

by Abby Williams
Created Jan 29, 2022 | Petit Valley
$338 raised of $50,000 goal 1%
  • 1 Donation
  • No deadline
  • 1 Like

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