THE BIG SWIM 2024 (continued) Swimming the impossible … 3rd time or bust !! Hi. My name is John Procope and this will be my third attempt to swim the channel between Tobago and Trinidad. I am swimming to raise awareness of the devastating impacts of climate change, pollution and overfishing of our oceans! I am also hoping to use this opportunity to encourage the Government and corporations of Trinidad and Tobago to support 'learn to swim programs' all over the country. If you are familiar with my attempt last year, you will know that it was a solo swim, and if you’re familiar with the attempt the year before, you will know that I was a member in a team of four : William Carr, Patrick Lee Loy, Roger Watts and myself. So a lot of people would say that a third time is a charm, and so it’s third time lucky or bust. I’m going for it and hopefully this will be a successful channel swim.

Thank you for your support.
  • FredDahm
    FredDahm donated $675
  • Manuela Rueede
    Manuela Rueede donated $338

    You can do it!

  • Lon Clarke
    Lon Clarke donated $1,350

    Good luck ,Cuz . Go for it !

  • Chelsea Johnston
    Chelsea Johnston donated $675

    From the Johnstons

  • Brian
    Brian donated $1,350

    Good luck, John!

  • Sabine Lanzinger
    Sabine Lanzinger donated $1,215

    Go Johnny! The sea loves you!

  • Ramon P. Rodriguez
    Ramon P. Rodriguez donated $338
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THE BIG SWIM 2024 … Swimming the Impossible

by John Procope
Created Jul 08, 2024 | Tobago
$5,940 raised of $25,000 goal 24%
  • 7 Donations
  • No deadline

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