Hello everybody, My name is Geremias Mai Marcano. I am a venezuelan musician living in Trinidad for the last 5 years.

After leaving my country, here in Trinidad I had the opportunity to study and happily graduated at The University of Trinidad and Tobago under the programme Bachelor of Fine Arts In The Performing Arts - Music.

During my last year at UTT I got the incredibly opportunity to audition for my masters at Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London UK (online Audition) and with God by my side, I've passed the audition and have been offered a placed to go to London and do my master's degree in Artist Masters - Performance (Advanced Instrumental Studies Oboe).

Although this is the biggest highlight of my life, the financial resources to make it happens have been really a challenge for me, I had to defer this opportunity last year due to fundings considering that the student visa for me to go to study in London requires to present at least 130,000 ttd to cover rent and living expenses for 1 year at Guildhall. 

I am trusting God that this year I can make it for September 2023 and in this opportunity, I would like to ask you for your support and share the link. Every little contribution is a big inspiration for me.

Thanks to everyone who have been supporting me since last year, every single cent have been saved and secured to complete this mission.

Thanks to everybody in advanced.

Please contact me for direct contributions.
Woodbrook, Port of Spain.


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  • Hello everybody.. with my campagin I have had so many opportunities to performa and teach, it is fascinating. Thank you everybody.


VENEZUELA. Oboe master. Help me to do my masters in London, UK

by Geremias Mai Marcano.
Created Feb 12, 2023 | Woodbrook, Port of Spain
$0 raised of $130,000 goal 0%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
  • 1 Like

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