Caribbean Trailblazer pursues Ethnochoreolgy in Ireland 2020
I have always been passionate about my country’s cultural heritage. I was born in Trou-Macaque, Laventille, Trinidad, where I connected to the drums of our traditions and culture at the age of 13 years and found myself dancing, which came naturally. The community identified this gift and motivated me to continue along this path. The following year, 1995, I won my first national title in folk dance. This was the beginning of an era where my passion and my purpose plugged themselves seamlessly together.
Although my living reality was understandably adverse, dance, culture, creativity, and my religion situated me in a position like no other. Today I am a practicing artist in the fields of dance and theatre for over twenty-five years in Trinidad and Tobago. The titles dancer, actor, singer, drummer, choreographer, writer, and director stand as testimony to my wealth of training, capabilities, and experiences. My years of service to the National Theatre Arts Company copped with my involvement in the Prime Minister’s Best Village Trophy Competition and my other group involvement is an indication of my indomitable intention to be of service to my nation.
I have been accepted to pursue a Master of Arts in Ethno-choreology at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick Ireland, for the academic year 2020/2021.
This is a notable feat, as I do not have the traditional prerequisite of a Bachelor of Arts. I have been accepted purely on the merit of professional experience, which in itself is an achievement for me and Trinidad and Tobago. My project and cultural brand of work which I have been developing for several years, and which will be my project of study for the MA in Ethno-choreology is called “Ori Bata”. It accesses and facilitates therapy, community outreach, character development, theatrical skill set development, performance quality development and communication, all based in a "SOMATIC" meditational movement practice, theatre dance, and music using the aesthetics of one of our Ethnic traditions “TRINIDAD ORISHA [SHANGO]”.
The pursuit of the M.A. is to extend my knowledge as I excitedly anticipate returning [becoming], an academically qualified professional with a MA in ETHNOCHOREOLGY possibly the first in our country and the region, and practicing the Ori Bata technique across the nation and by extension, the region, and the world.
As with all academic ventures funding is a critical component. It is my dream to begin my Masters in 2020 but I am in need of financial support to cover the cost of my tuition valued at $135,000 TTD. I believe that this journey will significantly benefit me and the people that I will inspire. If you can, please support generously.
I have always been passionate about my country’s cultural heritage. I was born in Trou-Macaque, Laventille, Trinidad, where I connected to the drums of our traditions and culture at the age of 13 years and found myself dancing, which came naturally. The community identified this gift and motivated me to continue along this path. The following year, 1995, I won my first national title in folk dance. This was the beginning of an era where my passion and my purpose plugged themselves seamlessly together.
Although my living reality was understandably adverse, dance, culture, creativity, and my religion situated me in a position like no other. Today I am a practicing artist in the fields of dance and theatre for over twenty-five years in Trinidad and Tobago. The titles dancer, actor, singer, drummer, choreographer, writer, and director stand as testimony to my wealth of training, capabilities, and experiences. My years of service to the National Theatre Arts Company copped with my involvement in the Prime Minister’s Best Village Trophy Competition and my other group involvement is an indication of my indomitable intention to be of service to my nation.
I have been accepted to pursue a Master of Arts in Ethno-choreology at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick Ireland, for the academic year 2020/2021.
This is a notable feat, as I do not have the traditional prerequisite of a Bachelor of Arts. I have been accepted purely on the merit of professional experience, which in itself is an achievement for me and Trinidad and Tobago. My project and cultural brand of work which I have been developing for several years, and which will be my project of study for the MA in Ethno-choreology is called “Ori Bata”. It accesses and facilitates therapy, community outreach, character development, theatrical skill set development, performance quality development and communication, all based in a "SOMATIC" meditational movement practice, theatre dance, and music using the aesthetics of one of our Ethnic traditions “TRINIDAD ORISHA [SHANGO]”.
The pursuit of the M.A. is to extend my knowledge as I excitedly anticipate returning [becoming], an academically qualified professional with a MA in ETHNOCHOREOLGY possibly the first in our country and the region, and practicing the Ori Bata technique across the nation and by extension, the region, and the world.
As with all academic ventures funding is a critical component. It is my dream to begin my Masters in 2020 but I am in need of financial support to cover the cost of my tuition valued at $135,000 TTD. I believe that this journey will significantly benefit me and the people that I will inspire. If you can, please support generously.
Blue Balls donated $128
Riley Pascall donated $668
Jamal Gerald donated $675
Good luck with the fundraising! I believe in you!
Laura Marie Grant donated $675
All power and blessings to you. So it is so it shall be. Asé
Riley Pascall donated $452
From Zoe Parker
Giovanni Collman donated $169
Rhoma Spencer donated $270
All the best in pursuit of higher learning Ase o.
Nikoli Attai donated $1,350
Congrats Adam, I wish you all the best on this exciting journey!
Alan Vaughan donated $169
Ariel Douglas donated $203
All the best!
Caribbean Trailblazer Pursues MA Ethnochoreology in Ireland 2020
$7,256 raised of $135,000 goal
- 18 Donations
- No deadline
- 1 Like
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