Hi! I’m Christine Clement. I am a recent graduate of the St Augustine Girls’ High School. In March 2021, I was accepted into Keele University Medical School. Owing, however, to the late release of CXC’s CAPE results in 2020 and pandemic lockdowns, the school graciously deferred my entry to September 2022.

I have always gravitated toward the things and people of the hospital. My mom, a radiographer, was the go-to person in my family whenever there was a sick relative. As a result of this, I was proxy to several hospital visits and clinic appointments during my childhood and adolescence. Throughout secondary school, I searched for experiences and opportunities that exposed me to the medical profession from singing for patients at Christmas to volunteering with the Multiple Sclerosis Support Foundation to helping take care of sick relatives.

The experience of almost losing my eye, being a patient at the hospital and going to clinics with my mom after I was discharged cemented my desire to become a doctor. Additionally, personal experiences with relatives in remedial and palliative care made me realise that my true place is in the medical profession.

I was also involved in home gardening advocacy with my mom through her PhD work. Because of my exposure to the idea of interacting with the Earth as a person rather than as an object, sustainability became very important to me.

Finally, after a lot of research, I applied to Keele Medical School in September 2020 for a variety of reasons.
  1. Medical students are placed in community services and general practices from year 1, unlike most schools which place medical students only in years 4 and 5.
  2. They were ranked as the best in the UK for sustainability in medical education for the second year running (even improving on their score from 2020). The school has an energy park that supplies more than 50% of the campus’ electricity needs and the campus is walkable.
  3. Keele University research from areas including medicine is among the best in the UK. Keele’s Allied Health Professions Unit of Assessment (UoA) was ranked 4th overall in the UK out of 89 submissions, reflecting the quality and impact of the research done by Keele scientists. (from website)

I know that I can also contribute to the scientific and research aspects of medicine. Attending Keele University will allow me to realise this dream and seize unique opportunities for research in my later years at medical school.
I hope that I can also be an ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean culture in the UK, sharing a unique perspective and cultural vibrancy.

I would love to attend Keele University this September for the reasons listed above and more. My parents, since I was a toddler, saved towards my tertiary education and, although it is a head start and my mom, now a single parent, has done everything in her power to source supplementary funds, it is not enough to cover the cost of getting there. Therefore, we are reaching out to you for assistance in keeping my dream of attending Keele University alive.
As it stands, my first-year costs are approximately £57,000 ($481,844.89 TTD). Our fundraising goal for this campaign is $150,000 TTD.

Fundraising Initiatives:
  1. This Fund Me TnT page
  2. Reaching out to corporate citizens through direct proposals
  3. A business called Sufood TT (on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp – (868) 386-2922). We supply:
    1. miniature kitchen gardens with popularly used vegetables and seasoning herbs
    2. workshops and information sessions for organisations and community groups

I would appreciate it if you support my attendance at Keele University this September by contributing to this Fund Me TnT Campaign or to any of the following accounts:


Account Holder: Christine Ivana Patricia Clement
Account Number: 007700016476
Bank: JMMB
Branch: Tunapuna
Type of Account: Savings

Account Holder: Patricia Jaggasar-Clement
Account Number: 320032426231
Bank: Republic Bank
Branch: San Juan
Type of Account: Savings

Every amount (regardless of the size) helps! If you aren’t in a position to donate, please share to let others know about this campaign. A heartfelt thank you for your time and consideration.
  • Kathy Ann Ryan
    Kathy Ann Ryan donated $338
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $338

    You will get there Christine, God knows you and He will bless you with a way. Do your best and know that you have lots of people behind you. Keep doing other things to raise funds and we will keep supporting you as much as we can.

  • Kathy Ann Ryan
    Kathy Ann Ryan donated $675

    May God grant you great success in your studies Prayers ??and blessings? to you Christine

  • Arlene J Joseph-Josiah
    Arlene J Joseph-Josiah donated $1,350

    God blessings

  • Valentino
    Valentino donated $675

    You have a bright future ahead! Go for it!

  • Matthew Monroe
    Matthew Monroe donated $135

    We support you Christine

  • I am truly grateful to everyone who financially contributed to my academic advancement and dream of becoming a medical doctor. This is an update concerning my journey.

    Unfortunately, I did not raise sufficient funds to take up my place to study medicine at Keele University last academic year 2022/2023.

    I am, therefore, pursuing a route that is more affordable, but longer to becoming a medical doctor. I applied to the University of Bristol to study Neuroscience and was awarded a scholarship. I intend to continue my journey to become a medical doctor through postgraduate study in the future.

    The monies donated have been and are being used for application fees, visa applications, and payments to the university.

    My progress thus far would not have been possible without your support and fervent prayers. Thank you again for believing in me.


Christine's Journey to Keele

by Christine Clement
Created May 24, 2022 | Trincity
$3,510 raised of $150,000 goal 2%
  • 6 Donations
  • Finalized

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