Ena is 52years old. She lives with her husband who does lawn maintainance for a living. She is a kind, caring and helpful person to those in her neighborhood. She is seeking financial assistance to aid with medical expenses.

In the year 2020, Ena went in to the public health care system complaining of chest pain. The doctors there administered a stress test and later an angiogram which resulted in her having an open heart surgery in July 2020. She joined the Cardiac clinic and has been since following up on her visits.

In August of 2022, she complained of chest pain and suffered a massive heart attack. She was informed that her arteries have clogged and she is in need of URGENT SURGERY to input 3 stents. Unfortunately, the hospital can only offer so much assistance and she was informed this procedure will have to be done privately. With no insurance nor additional funds, she has no one to turn to.
One month later, September, she sadly suffered another heart attack. Luckily, it was mild. Ena is holding herself together with the hope we can offer some assistance in this situation.
We are kindly asking to get her the help she needs. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
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Heart Surgery (Stents)

by Nirvan Joseph
Created Nov 10, 2022 | San Fernando
$0 raised of $160,000 goal 0%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline
  • 1 Like

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