Hello everyone, My name is Eleanor and I’m a single mother to my only daughter Abigail and sole guardian to my niece Madeline. We have been through a series of heart wrenching things of lately but most recently with Madelines heart dilated cardiomyopathy diagnosis In January .
About 2 weeks ago we had a house fire that burnt the kitchen and living room and some part of my bedroom. We had to move to emergency housing and we’re there for a few days before I got us alternative housing. With over $30000 in medical debts and still counting and trying to rebuild our home I can’t do it by myself. If you can help us please consider donating.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $169

    Wish you all the best!

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Help Eleanor, Madeline and Abigail

by Thomas Allnutt
Created Jun 23, 2022 | Boston MA
$169 raised of $20,000 goal 1%
  • 1 Donation
  • No deadline
  • 1 Like

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