Hello There!
My name is Kara Langtan. Three years ago, I commenced a journey for a much needed service in Trinidad and Tobago, this service begin Occupational Therapy. I pursed my MSc in Occupational Therapy at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) and completed the program in May this year. This program is the only one of it's kind being offered in the Caribbean and Latin America and is accredited by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago as well as the World Federation for Occupational Therapist (WFOT).
Occupational Therapy is an allied health profession that is concerned with how people function in their respective roles (as a child, parent, student, employee/employer etc) as well as how these individuals perform their activities of daily living (ADLs: eating, bathing, dressing etc. IADLs: attending school/work/worship, shopping, socializing etc). OT focuses on the promotion, restoration and maintenance of productivity in people with a wide range of disease and disorders. Occupational therapist, often work within a multidisciplinary health team both in the private and public sector to provide the best client outcome. However, in Trinidad and Tobago, most of our OTs are based in the private sector.
This is where I come in. As a young graduate, I am passionate about bringing my services to users of the public health care system. Having work experience in a public hospital in Trinidad as a mental health assistant, I experienced first hand the need of the population for more services like OT in our public hospitals. My work experience led me to another job this time in research, highlighting yet again the need for services like OT in our public health system. This was one of my driving force that led me to complete my masters in occupational therapy to serve those in need. However, I need help to accomplish this dream of working in the public health system.
The MSOT program at USC is not Gate funded (, therefore students must stand the cost of the program on their own. This, I was doing until Covid-19 came and I lost my job as a researcher at the beginning of the pandemic, leaving me unable to fulfil my financial obligation with the university. I have tried several different ways to acquire the necessary funds needed to clear my outstanding balance with no success. With an outstanding balance, I am unable to get any type of completion letter to be eligible to register with the Council of Professions Related to Medicine (CPRM). Therefore, without my medical licences I am unable to work as an OT in Trinidad and Tobago.
I began this campaign in hopes that I can achieve my goal of serving my fellow citizens by asking for your generous assistance. As the old people would say, “a little goes a long way,” and I believe in this saying. Whatever little is given, would help me to bring a much needed service to the public health sector faster. Now, I would like to take this time to thank you all for reading, contributing and sharing. Please share as much as you can, I would greatly appreciate it. Stay safe! Stay healthy! God bless.
Anonymous donated $68
Anonymous donated $68
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