Hi everyone. My name is Arianne, my son is Ryan he is 9 yrs old. We've recently had to relocate to a new area giving up our home and my job due to a domestic situation. In my determination to provide a safe environment for my son we've left everything and ran. Now in a new area and far from everything we've known its become a struggle to survive. Due to said situation my son has not attend school for the past year bcuz of no finances. Our saving got used up, I have resorted to selling fruits and vegetables when I can get them, selling gloves and garbage bags just to make ends meet.
As a mother than has always worked and provided for my son its heartbreaking not knowing sometimes where our next meal is coming from or when next we can go the grocery store. For myself that is in desperate need of basic necessities and a pair of glasses, I suffer daily with migraines bcuz of poor vision.
All Im asking is to be able to get us back on our feet so he can get back to school and I can get back to a steady job..
​​​​​​With that being said any and all help would be greatly appreciated and highly welcomed.. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Help us get back on our feet..

by Arianne Kelly Alleyne
Created Sep 03, 2023 | South
$0 raised of $10,000 goal 0%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline

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