Miss Trinidad and Tobago - Adina Pollard-Simon

Adina Pollard-Simon is a 47 years old Citizen of The Beautiful Twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago known to many as "Queenie" a Bless, Loving Mother of Three young men ages 31, 24 and 21, grandmother of three beautiful angels. Adina is Employed in the Public/Civil Service with the Office of The Prime Minister, Her mission is to spread positivity, motivate and teach individuals across the world that is does not matter your background, ethnicity or socioeconomic status that God is capable of using and Blessings all individuals. A woman of many facets and accomplishments, with a heart for raising others up.

Presently she is pursuing her studies in the following areas:

1. Family Law
2. Law of Contract
3. Company Law
4. Employment Law
5. Probate and Administration of Estates
6. Paralegal Studies

Mrs. Pollard-Simon was a past student of the following institutions:

1. Lower Morvant Government Primary School
2. Barataria Senior Comprehensive School
3. Morvant/ Laventille Comprehensive School
4. Malick Comprehensive School
5. Academy of Tertiary Studies- Studied Law
6. Cipriani College of Labor & Co-Operatives Studies- Studied Industrial Relations Law

Her Pageant journey spans over a period of time where she has held numerous titles in several systems.

1. Miss Plus Size "Trinidad" 2005- Emerged Miss Plus Size Winner

2. Miss Big and Beautiful "Trinidad" 2006- Emerged First Runner Up, in addition walked away with the title " Carivog Big and Beautiful Model of Trinidad and Tobago. "

3.Tortola "British Virgin Islands" Caribbean Big, Bold and Beautiful 2006- Placed 5th

4. Miss Mature Trinidad 2007 & 2009

5. California, Hollywood USA 12th Annual World Championship of Performing Arts- Represented and Competed

6. Miss Queen Size Trinidad 2009- Emerged First Runner Up

7. Miss Bold and Beautiful Caribbean Pageant- Third Runner Up 2009

8. Ms. Fabulous Plus Pageant- First Runner Up

9. Ms. Abuela Trinidad 2018- Emerged Second Runner Up.

10. The First Ms. Plus Intercontinental Trinidad and Tobago appointed Ambassador/Delegate 2019

11. The First Ms. Intercontinental Trinidad and Tobago appointed Ambassador/Delegate 2019

12. Ms. Plus Intercontinental Humanitarian Ambassador Trinidad and Tobago 2019 Queen Crown

This multitalented, Well Rounded, Outgoing, Loving, Extremely Ambitious Woman, began making appearances and performing on stage at the age of thirteen in school choir, mixed with strict Spiritual Baptist background, strong education while still in the care of her Grand Mother; she entered competitions consistently making yearly contributions that helped her to adapt and advance to different stages throughout her music career. Her musical influences came from her deceased Mother, Grandmother, Grandfather and a few persons in the Industry; Adina believes in Encouraging persons to assert themselves in Motivating, Inspiring and Educating Women to Aspire for Higher Heights. Willing them to reach for the sky and beyond as your limit. Even as a Mother, Career Woman, Grandmother she Always makes time for Church, Her Family and still finds time for Community and Cultural Work.
Adina have been creating history over Twenty years in Plus Size Pageantry. having graced Fashion Runways, Worked with many Local Designers and Pageant Directors, Charity Events, Hosted, Judged Pageants, Talents Shows, participated in many Communities, National in her Country, Caribbean, Regionally and International Pageants Stages and held Prestigious Titles of Miss Plus Size Trinidad and 2005 and the List goes on. Passionate about Personal Development Adina understands the strength of Pageantry and it Sisterhood how networking can create growth that results in Empowerment, She's articulate and wishes to bring more awareness to her Nation, knowing her Skill Sets, Passions and Determination embody the qualities of becoming The Miss International Elegant Mothers Pageant 2024-2025 Queen of Trinidad and Tobago. Her years of Pageantry would be an Asset and She will be a Positive Contributor to the Brand.

Please show your Love and Support to Miss Trinidad and Tobago - Adina Pollard-Simon and her Handsome Son by clicking LIKE below of there Pic

Saturday, April 27th at the National Cultural Center
Showtime: 8pm Sharp
Tickets in Adv. $30 usd and more at the Door
VIP Ticket $50 usd
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Miss T&T - Adina Pollard-Simon For BTA 7th Annual MIEMP 2024

by Adina Pollard-Simon
Created Nov 20, 2023 | Trinidad and Tobago
$0 raised of $40,000 goal 0%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline

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