My name is Elisheva Phillips
I am the Founder of the "Elisheva Phillips" Foundation
My Project is called The "No Greater Time Than Now" Project
To merge the gap between the Homeless and the Youths by creating rehabilitation programs that engage the young which encourage sensitivity and respect to support, enhance and empower the less fortunate within shelters throughout Trinidad and Tobago.
My purpose for initiating this project is to accentuate how The HOMELESS affect and possibly influence the mind of youths in our community. Homelessness leads to vagrancy if the right help and intervention aren’t offered in time. “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine”. It is to be noted that not all homeless people become vagrants. Vagrancy usually occurs when the homeless person can’t find a shelter that would accept them for whatever reason, e.g. Not enough space/accommodation, they are substance abusers, etc… Differences between a Homeless person and a Vagrant may vary according to perception and circumstances.
A person may be considered Homeless because they’ve recently lost their home due to a fire or eviction, etc. They can receive temporary shelter/help from friends, family or even neighbours until they can get back on their feet. Homeless shelters can offer a safe haven for persons in these situations also. However, when homeless people face prolonged circumstances that cause them to over stay their welcome, they may then find themselves permanently on the streets, becoming vagrants and fending for themselves. Most vagrants begin to suffer from mental and emotional issues brought on by stress and hopelessness, which leads to almost irreparable damage to their reputation, self-image and self-esteem.
I remembered as a child sitting in my dad’s car parked along a street in San Fernando, where I saw a vagrant for the first time, he seemed so scary to me. His clothes were dirty and tattered, he was sleeping on the sidewalk, then he suddenly awoke and began rummaging through a garbage bag and eating its contents. I smelled a pungent odour coming from where he sat, that smell haunts me to this day.
Trivia: Did you know that Vagrancy is a crime in Trinidad and Tobago, punishable by a fine or Imprisonment?
The success of this project would be entirely hinged on our ability to attract professionals of various fields to offer or volunteer their expertise for free or at a minimal cost.
Therefore, it is our desire to acquire the voluntary services of the following:
• Physical Therapist (For Sick/Disabled Clients)
• Psychologist / Psychiatrist (For Emotionally / Mentally Challenged Clients)
• Guidance / Career Counsellors (For Juvenile Clients)
• Information Technology Tutor (For Computer Literacy Classes)
• Academic Tutor (For Literacy Development Classes)
In as much as I could wish that everyone who offer to help me as volunteers would do so for free, there are some however, who would want to receive a small fee for their time and expertise, so therefore I need your financial support to retain them. Any amount you can afford to give would be greatly appreciated. E.g. $20, $100, $500 $2000 anything that won't leave you in dire straights.
Remember to leave me your contact info at the link below so that I can personally thank you for your contributuion:
I welcome non-monetary items also, which can improve the shelter and advance the project.
This is my beauty with a purpose project (BWAP). This project is the first step towards making an effective change in the lives of the Homeless. I am partnering with Court Shamrock, a Homeless Shelter for the Socially Displaced within San Fernando.
These are links to related articles and insights about my project and myself:
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No Greater Time Than Now

by Elisheva Phillips
Created Oct 12, 2020 | Court Shamrock, Rushworth Street, San Fernando.
$0 raised of $15,000 goal 0%
  • 0 Donations
  • No deadline

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