Hi there! My name is Rayanna Boucher, I am a 16 year old girl from Belmont (Trinidad and Tobago) who attends Woodbrook Secondary School. I live in a single parent household with my mother, 2 sisters and my niece. My mother is a postal worker who makes just enough to ensure that we have a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our backs. Living in a single parent household where my mother is barely able to make ends meet, I know it is quite difficult for her to know that an amazing opportunity has come my way and she is not able to afford it but quite frankly i have to thank her for everything she has done for me thus far! Ensuring that I was given the best fighting chance that she could provide is exactly what landed me with this opportunity I was given today and for that I thank her!

A couple months ago I applied for the University of East London. I have always dreamt of going to college to further fuel my passion and gather as MUCH education as possible. To my astonishing surprise I received an email from UEL (University of East London) on the 21st December 2022, notifying me that I was being offered a spot at their University! This email brought me great joy and accomplishment as my dreams were turning into a reality and I was stepping outside of the norm for us 'Trinis' and taking a giant leap. These things make me so happy that words alone cannot explain.
I applied to major in BSc (Hons) Psychology with Child Development, which I am passionate about because in today's world a lot of our children are suffering in ways that we may not understand! Our children are the leaders of tomorrow and I believe that we should stop at NOTHING to ensure that they are their BEST selves as it would not only benefit them individually but also benefit ‘us’ as a people.My dream of opening a practice in child psychology has always been with me but one that I have been afraid to admit due to the fact that it hits me a little personal. I have spent the majority of my life feeling sad and as though I have no real purpose which has left me in constant turmoil with myself and others, especially those close to me. This constant feeling of sadness and worthlessness makes it very difficult to believe that I can make a change or even believe that I deserve anything more than what I currently have, this brings about the deep hole I have spent the last couple of years in! I want nothing more than to help others who feel as I do, to understand what exactly is happening and to help them in every way I can as I know all too well the feelings they are faced with on a day to day basis and the toll it takes on you!

The downside to this entire situation is that I am unable to fund my dreams alone, the cost of tuition stands at a whooping $101,236.92 TTD and living expenses at $85,836.90 TTD for the first 9 months of my study! The money I am asking for would be used to pay my tuition expenses, living expenses, travel and school supplies (Books etc) as just like most parents in Trinidad and Tobago, college was not a first thought to my parents and quite frankly i'm kind of mad at them for not taking notice that i was dared to be different but i understand that they fell victims to today's society and i love them for doing everything they can right now to help me reach my fullest potential! My goal in life is to succeed in all my endeavors and make them proud, and for this I ask for your help in doing just that.

I'm asking for your help to raise $300,000 TTD to ensure that I am able to travel to London to pursue a major in BSc (Hons) Psychology with Child Development and live up to my fullest potential! Every dollar donated, share and prayer would be more than appreciated as it would land me one step closer to achieving my dreams! If you are interested in donating please by all means do so, as I am begging and pleading for your support and your help!

Pictures of my offer letter, email and details would be posted on my instagram @exclusively.honey so feel free to check it out and ask ANY questions you may have!

For cash donations please contact me via 1(868)480-5649 or 1(868)732-0996
For bank deposit/transfer donations etc, the following account:
Natasha Malinda Boucher
First Citizens Bank
Account # - 2826870
Saving Account

Thank you so much in advance for your love and support :)
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Rayanna's Future

by Rayanna Boucher
Created Dec 28, 2022 | Trinidad and Tobago
$0 raised of $300,000 goal 0%
  • 0 Donations
  • Finalized

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